Save energy: use eco friendly source of energy

For those who are looking for a green, eco friendly source of energy, installing new solar panels in your home is probably the best option you have today. Not only is it going to draw less energy, and help you conserve, it is also going to provide you more than enough energy during the day. You will receive rebates and government incentives, and you will find that you can pay for the panels over time with the amount you are saving on your monthly home heating and the cooling costs.


Benefits of installing panels

-There are several benefits a home owner is going to realize upon installing the new solar panels in their home, some of these benefits include:

– energy star rated, meaning home owners are going to receive a tax credit from the government for purchasing the panels;

– energy savings, due to the fact that solar panels use solar, rather than electric or gas sources for energy;

– the ability to keep the home cooler in the summer and warmer during the winter, without having to spend more on heating and cooling;

– the panels are able to retain power, due to the fact that they store heat when there is sunlight out (therefore, if power goes out, or if it is not sunny during a particular day, the built up energy from the sun is still going to provide the home with power, even on days when there is no sunlight out).

These are some of the main benefits home owners get by installing the panels. Of course the fact that it is the eco friendly source of energy is something that many home owners love when having the panels installed.


Why the high cost?

– One of the main reasons for the high cost of the panels is the silicon used in the panels, as the semiconductor, enabling the photoelectric effect in that cell. Although silicon is an abundant resource, it is expensive. Production costs are another reason for the high cost. It is quite expensive to produce the silicon from raw materials, increasing labor costs, in turn, increasing the price you pay for the panels. The one major plus to these high costs is the fact that you get a rebate from the government for installing the panels, plus with the major cost savings each month on heating and cooling, the panels will pay for themselves over the course of a few years.

There are many reasons to rely on solar power. Not only is it something good to do for the environment, it is also good for your pocketbook. Another major plus is the fact that with solar panels, you can retain power, even when power goes out in your area. Because of the built up energy storage, you do not have to worry about losing power, as the installed panels have sufficient stored up energy.
Regardless of the reason you choose solar energy, making sure you turn to the best company for installing the new panels is something every home owner has to do.