More and more media is heading online, leaving old-fashioned print formats in the dust. Books and magazines have been a couple of hold-outs, but it’s looking like they are also getting some serious digital competition. There is a legitimate competition going on between online and print, and the question starts to be asked about whether or not print can compete in today’s world. With the popularity of the flipbook html5 document format, the battle could coming to an end. Readability and Interest This is where the differences between print and digital have long been skewed towards print. Scrolling around on a screen or a PDF file just doesn’t have the same feeling as flipping pages. Now that magazines (or book and catalogs for that matter)
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If there is a property market worth talking about, then it is Gurgaon. The city is one of the biggest hubs of commercial as well as residential property development. Over the years, Gurgaon has become one of the most sought after destinations for property development. The city is home to the biggest of firms in the world. It all started only twenty five years back when the city was nothing but a village with numerous houses built by the retirees. But when the first offices of the outsourcing division of General Electric were established here, an era of development started that has brought the city of Gurgaon on the world map. Over the years, the city has spawned the property development on an unprecedented scale.