Redmond, Washington is of course the headquarters of Microsoft as well as where the gigantic multi-national computer corporation got its head start. And every year researchers for the corporation head to this global headquarters in order to participate in Tech Fest. Tech Fest is a yearly occurrence where said researchers can show off the projects they are working on and generally swap stories about the fascinating world of computer research as they meet friends and associates from all over the world.
In 2008, a number of things are expected to take place and already have taken place as the fair officially started on Tuesday morning with keynote addresses from two of the top dogs in the Microsoft organization vis-à-vis the research department. After these two keynote addresses, the sky officially became the limit for presentations by the researchers at the conference.
Part of what is expected to be presented is a series of applications that deal with online security, but graphics and mobile applications are popular as well as they seem to be every year. Of course, one place in which all three of these things converge is Multitouch technology and that in turn is expected to get a big part of the attention at the fair. New and interesting ideas regarding the next stage of evolution for the Surface computer will be on the table and in addition to that the application of Multitouch technology to areas aside from advertisement and personal computing are expected to be discussed.
Microsoft is looking to milk all that they can from Multitouch technology, which really just shows their excellent business sense.