Web design is about more than simply making a website look pretty. For a website’s design to be successful, it also must be easy for a user to navigate and designed to bring in as much traffic is possible. Both speed and performance matter when it comes to optimizing a site for search engines, so these are factors that must be taken into consideration as you start to create the ideal layout and theme. To boost traffic and increase your conversion rate, you’ll want to keep the following design tips in mind.
Create a User-Friendly Layout
Two of the main ways to get users coming back to your website include a fast loading speed and an attractive layout. You need to make sure that it’s easy for a visitor to find what they are looking for. For this step in the process, it may be helpful to consult with a local web designer to create a unique, easy to follow layout. Look for professionals in the city you reside in, whether you need a Boston or Chicago web designer. They will often meet for a consultation to discuss what your options are. An easily navigable design will help boost sales and increase customer loyalty.
Make your Website Mobile-Friendly
Another important factor to consider is whether your website is best optimized for use on mobile devices. More and more visitors now access websites using smartphones and tablets, which is why mobile support is key for any successful website. This is another instance in which it may be beneficial to enlist the services of a local professional, whether you need web designers Portland or New York.
Speed Up your Site
Speed is important. Not only is a user more likely to avoid your website in the future if it takes too long to load, but Google also pays attention to loading time when ranking websites. You can boost your website’s speed by reducing the amount of total data that must be processed between the server and the browser. This could be accomplished by using compression, reducing your image sizes, or optimizing the site in other ways. Simplifying the overall structure of your site will also increase the speed and visitor numbers at the same time.
Add Social Media Sharing Buttons
Social media integration is used by most successful websites. You can integrate social media sharing buttons into the main design of your site, which easily allow visitors to share or like your content on their social networks. This then makes your website visible to a far wider audience. Place the buttons in areas of the website where visitors are most likely to notice them, including the end of posts and the top of the main page.
By taking some time and effort to improve the overall design of your website, you can improve its loading speed and user friendliness. These factors will help boost visitor numbers at a rapid rate, increasing your site’s search engine placement and business conversion rates.