Off the top of your head, can you remember the number of gadgets you own? According to a survey conducted by Sophos, today’s users carry an average of 2.9 gadgets, with smartphones leading the popularity contest. Amazingly, the most number of gadgets carried by a single respondent was 12. And we’re just talking about the ones they carry, not the total number they own. Gadget craze seems to be at an all-time high, with people trading in their months-old smartphone for the latest in the market or, in some cases, making their own collection of electronics. It’s one thing if you actually need the whole array of smartphone, tablet, ebook reader, DSLR camera, laptop and computer; it’s another to buy them just for the sake
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With Microsoft reportedly thinking of joining the budding smartwatch fray, one really has to think: is the draw of that potential market category really that great? The success of Pebble triggered it, Apple wants in on it, Android manufacturers have jumped or are jumping in on it, and now Microsoft is also thinking about it. Manufacturers are actively seeking the next great battleground and, by all indications, they have their eyes set on wearables in general and smartwatches in particular. Apple’s at it again—and others are following suit One thing that could have contributed to the buzz around smartwatches is the rampant rumor that Apple is developing one of its own. Apple’s reputation (deserved or not, depending on your beliefs and opinions) as an innovator