Mobile phones are an essential part of our life nowadays. Imagining our life without them can generate shock waves across the neighborhood. Also, gone are the days when mobile phones were electronic items meant to make and receive calls only. It is now a do-it-all machine, capable of performing operations that were used to be performed by 2 or more devices. The mobile phone models consisting of super interactive operating systems and high technologically advanced features are known as Smart phones. Nokia, Apple, Samsung, Blackberry, Motorola, Sony Ericsson etc are the world leaders in the smart phone segment. And of course, Nokia has carved a name for itself in the minds of the mobile phone lovers in all parts of the world, among all segments
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Smartphones are getting more and more equipped with the latest technologies and day by day it is becoming a control panel and a command center from a computing and communications device. With the help of new technologies they are becoming better than the PCs. Well, in a show of Consumer Electronics new Smartphones have been shown which has the technology to control washing machine, ovens and other appliances. They can control the toy cars and helicopters which are run by remote control. They can also monitor the security cameras. Those can help to play videos in the televisions. With the assistance of new technologies this new Smartphones can collect pictures from the digital camera and can share them online. There will be no need of