The below information was sourced from an unreliable source. It’s accuracy has now been discredited. It appears it was not a Surface computer that was used during the production of “The Island”, and in fact most of the credit should go to Mark Coleran and others. An update is provided here.
“While working for Microsoft I’m getting used to the fact that there will alwasy be a good deal of negative comments on everything we do – it’s just how it is. When we postpone our OS it’s a scandal, when the competition does it’s a smart move. When we announce something innovative, someone else has done it before because copying is what we do apparently.
After the announcement of Surface, the same happened. Although there was a really good buzz about this, the negative feedback poured in as well. Several arguments came in to show that this was no innovation at all, others had thought of this before and one of these arguments pointed out to the movie ‘The Island‘. In a certain scene you can see a sort of future office where one of the main characters uses a kind of interactive desk.”
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The above information was sourced from an unreliable source. It’s accuracy has now been discredited. It appears it was not a Surface computer that was used during the production of “The Island”, and in fact most of the credit should go to Mark Coleran and others. An update is provided here.