While most people know about the Microsoft Surface computer by now, at the same time there are a number of other areas within the Microsoft company where Multitouch technology is being used. For example, Microsoft has been hard at work bringing Multitouch technology to bear in terms of interactive advertising and it is something that they were able to demo earlier this week.
While Multitouch is just one avenue of advertising that Microsoft has been pursuing, at the same time it is one of the most innovative as Microsoft attempts to expand their operations and secure their bottom line. Multitouch was clearly the winner in terms of new ideas, as other advertising methods that were demoed such as the speech recognition advertising are methods that Microsoft has been working on for decades.
There were two ways in which this Multitouch advertising would be able to work from Microsoft’s demo. The first way would be to provide information on a specific product or series of products. The customer would just place something like a shoe or a candy bar onto a Surface Computer and information about that product would pop up along with served advertisements that were similar to the product being looked at. This is a very intuitive type of advertising, since it only advertises relevant products to the customer and therefore is expected to be very useful indeed.
The second form of Multitouch advertising that Microsoft was taking a look at was virtual advertising in which a customer could utilize a Surface and a webcam in order to create a virtual arena for themselves in which they could try out different products (such as clothing) before they left their home to buy it. As they were trying on clothing, different suggestions would be made based on their interests and these suggestions of course would be fuelled by money paid in advertising dollars.